Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Monday, April 25, 2005

A question of taste?

Someone please explain to me why certain individuals feel the need to put the make of their car in ginormous letters somewhere on the exterior of the vehicle.

It seems that everywhere I turn, on both nice cars and beaters, there’s some random douche who thought it was a good idea to advertise that he’s driving….a 2000 Nissan Altima.

Yes, I saw this today on the East Side of Milwaukee. And it made me very sad. I thought: Oh, you poor, sorry soul. You are bragging about owning the same car as my grandmother.

I used to see this sort of nonsense all of the time when I was growing up in Southeastern Ohio…and I assumed it was a redneck thing somewhat akin to the fake Calvin peeing on some NASCAR logo. But apparently, these people are everywhere.

But I don’t get it, Why spend even a cent on a ridiculous decal or, worse yet, sandblasting, to specify the make and/or model of your so-incredibly-typical car?

Is it because you have put so much useless crap on your Japanese compact sedan to make it look like a sports car and one cannot tell what it was originally named without said identification?

Or is that that you are, for some reason, very excited to have the entire world know that yes, you are, in fact, driving a shitty 1988 Honda hatchback?

And if the latter is the case, why don’t people who actually should be proud of what they’re driving do this? I mean, you don’t see many Porsches or Audis that say “Porsche” or “Audi” printed on a cheap window decal that covers the entire rear windshield. I guess people already know what kind of car is passing them at 90 mph.

Seriously…who are these people?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

some people don't have choice when it comes to those stupid brand names. I have a new mustang, with M-U-S-T-A-N-G written on the sides of the doors. Its there and unless I want to pay to have it removed there it will stay in all its glory. So its not always our fault.

2:47 PM CDT

Blogger MandyJ said...

Now, have a Mustang. At least its good car. You have that in your favor.

8:10 PM CDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

but it is still it really is. Do I really need to tell everyone that I have a Mustang? I think people can see that just fine without ever having to look at the side of my car to see.

3:22 PM CDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While reading this I was reminded of car mazda part you should stop by.

3:33 AM CDT


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