Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Saving "Arrested Development"

It’s scary to think that the best comedy on television might just disappear.

Sunday, April 17 is the season – and possibly series – finale of Fox’s “Arrested Development.”

As a fan and a pop culture junkie, I just don’t understand what’s going on with this picture. Fox, otherwise known as “the network that will air anything” may or may not bring back an Emmy-winning show. Circular tripe like “Everybody Loves Raymond” is on the air for what feels like decades and this show….THIS SHOW….gets two seasons? Will AD become another “My So-Called Life”, beloved, but canceled before its time?

Who cares if it isn’t kicking butt in the Nielsen’s? Obviously people are watching it, because it may be one of the most talked-about shows on television. Maybe it’s on the wrong night or the wrong time or the wrong network (hello, FX?)…but something has to be done to save this incredibly original series. Here’s why:

1. A different concept

A scripted show that capitalizes on reality TV’s insider view (but doesn’t have the horrible star-fucker “characters”) is often tried, but never created to the effective level of AD. It’s gotten tot he point I, as a viewer, almost believe these people are real.

2. An actual premise

Instead of just “here’s the characters and here’s the scene,” every episode of AD fits together into the larger story set up in the very first episode (and recapped in every intro): Formerly rich family loses everything when the patriarch gets sent to prison and has to try to live like normal people. Instead of using George Bluth’s dealings and arrest as a one-note post-Enron gag, the series continues dealing with the ramifications of everyone’s reactions. And while this continuous concept may be what intimidates non-regulars from watching, the recap at the beginning of every episode is a helpful way to tell you what’s happened.

3. A big and uber-talented cast

Pulling together some of the best comedic talents in Hollywood into an ongoing half-hour comedy sounds impossible, but this show had the cache of a supergroup long before CBS’ Housewives were getting Desperate. From the first episode, we were treated to Jeffrey Tambor (“The Larry Sanders Show”), David Cross (“Mr. Show” genius), Portia de Rossi (“Ally McBeal”), Will Arnett (who is THE voiceover guy) and, of course, Jason Bateman (“Silver Spoons”!). That’s not even mentioning regular appearances (Henry Winkler, Liza Minnelli…) and guest stars (Date Attell, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Zach Braff).

4. Ron Howard’s narration

The funniest thing about AD is the easily overlooked narration of none other than Ron Howard. In addition to catching the viewer up to speed in each episode (frequently revisiting recent occurrences, though usually from a new point-of-view), Howard also can turn a cheap visual gag or simple occurrence into an over-the-top guffaw with his simple “voice of God” notations. Snide, amused and always expecting the joke, Howard calmly points out just how screwed up these characters are from week to week.

5. The characters

There is not a typical character - no usual foil, no formula and no cardboard cutouts - in this elaborate batch of wackos…and it’s part of the show’s unique charm. Obsessive straight man Michael, SoCal activist Lindsay, the never-nude sorta-gay Tobias, man child Buster, socially-retarded failed-magician Gob, obsessive mom/drinker Lucille, shy cousin-lover George Michael…..the list goes on. They aren’t “everypeople” they often aren’t even likeable….but they are always, without fail, absolutely over-the-top hilarious. And not because of one-liners or simple physical comedy, but because every odd thing each of these characters does seems so naturally occurring.

Of course Buster will become infatuated with his mother’s roomba vacuum cleaner…that’s just such a Buster thing to do. Gob owning a jive-talking black puppet? Why not? Tobias posing as a British maid? Of course.


Blogger PC said...

Oh man, I NEED Arrested Development to stay on the air, it's the ONLY family show I've seen EVER that I can even remotely relate to...

3:47 PM CDT

Blogger nikki said...

if they cancel arrested development, i'm gonna boycott fox.

10:20 PM CDT


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