Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Friday, April 15, 2005

FHM makes you say "Hmmm?"

FHM magazine, no bastion of taste, has released it’s annual list of the “world’s hottest women” to much debate, as usual. This has to be said in quotation marks because; 1. It’s voted on by guys, who, as we know, have questionable taste 2. it's annual, which means the list changes as certain women become more popular or “buzzworthy” (for instance, note the “Desperate Housewives” cast is on this year’s list) and 3. These are only FAMOUS women

I won’t debate the questionable choices….save one. In what universe in Paris Hilton the third most beautiful woman in the world? You could put her in a room with the women I work with everyday and she wouldn’t even hit the top five in terms of beauty.

It certainly can’t be her looks that make her "hot". I'll try to stay out of the realm of what could be called cattiness and not detail how utterly not-hot she is. I mean, all you have to do is look. Stare upon the horror.

I figure this all boils down to the voters. It must be the same factors that ranked girls as “hot” in high school: Sluttiness and money. That has to be it…..high-schoolers rocking the vote.

But....I have to admit, they made one very good choice: Scarlett Johansson at #9. Now that's beauty (next year, she needs to be higher, you idiots).


Blogger nikki said...

paris hilton in a room full with two poodles would still come in third place in a beauty contest...

10:17 PM CDT


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