Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Saturday, April 23, 2005


So maybe I was more dead-on with my prediction than I thought. Two nights ago, I was at the bar with my friends when Weezer's "Beverly Hills" came on over the closing-time radio.

Me: "I can't get enough of this song."

Unnamed Friend/Weezer Fan: "This song sucks. This isn't Weezer."

Me: I think it's actually a great return to their original sound. This song sounds like it could have been on The Blue Album (1994). It rocks."

UF/WF: "But it''s....pop radio. It sucks."

Me: *looks puzzled, drinks*

UF/WF: "Weezer is dead to me."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am conflicted when it comes to this song. The Blue Album has always been Weezers best album. However, it seems that they created this song just for the purpose of getting back on MTV to make some cash. While its catchy, the song will be one of Weezers leasted liked two years from now.


2:49 PM CDT


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