Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It could happen...

I'm going to make a prediction right now...and I hope I'm wrong,

Weezer's newest single, "Beverly Hills" (yes, they realized they could, in fact, rock)'s gonna be this year's "summer song." MTV will pimp the hell out of it, it'll play pop radio non-stop and it will be the band's biggest selling album yet because a bunch of high-schoolers will be wearing their t-shirts. And their fans, those notoriously indie kids who talk about Weezer with reverence, will be torn. They'll want to abandon them because they'll be hugely popular...but they're Weezer. And nothing says homeless-looking hipster like Weezer.

And the rest of us will rock out to the radio all summer. And I'll be thankful it's at least a good song this time around.


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