Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The King vs. Vader

This may be the best commercial ever made, in my book.

The Burger King is one of the coolest and creepiest ad icons ever. He brings me so much joy. How can you not love his utterly monstrous, non-speaking, non-human movements? His plastic, date rapist smile? His cheesenormous sandwiches? The invention of the word "cheesenormous"?

Seriously, BK should be commended for creating an ad campaign that I actually still watch with the Tivo on because I love them so much.

And adding Darth Vader tot he mix? Priceless. A pop culture geek's dream.

(By the way: I say the King beats Vader if it came to a fight. If he can operate a grill, he can operate a lightsaber.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know?

12:35 AM CDT


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