Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Seeking snarky busybodies for new blog

Also, I have this idea I'm going to toss out there, feel free to throw it right back. At one time I wrote this blog in Milwaukee called "Seen and Heard" (see right column) devoted to people-watching, overhearing conversations and generally being snarky.

I, for one, miss having an outlet for my snarky thoughts about other people's public behavior. I've found a lot of people and incidents in Cincinnati that deserve ridicule and/or inspection. I also think the world has gotten a little bit weaker and softer without it.

So here's what I want to do. I want to launch a worldwide group blog dedicated to the fine art of people watching and occasional mockery. If I were to start a blog like this, would you participate? Would you write about your city and the people you see? Can we take the snark to the next level?



Blogger Anonymous said...

Mandy! Miss your blog on jsonline. Definitely miss the "snarky." I'm in for the snarky blog...just let me know!

(Sorry I didn't see this for a month after you posted it, but I've been a ...uh...bit behind on checking blogs!)

6:39 PM CDT

Blogger brookew said...

I just randomly stumbled across your blog and I have to say.... i love your idea. :)

9:48 AM CDT

Blogger brookew said...

I just stumbled across your page and I have to say... I love your idea!

9:49 AM CDT


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