Where do we go from here?
Well, I warned you this would likely be abandoned - and it was. I have another blog (listed at right) that has been taking more of my time. But don't fear! There is a future in sight for Pop-Rx if anyone is still reading.
My other blog, Seen & Heard, may or may not be going on much longer. More importantly, this blog will be getting more attention in the coming months as I plan a redesign and restructuring.....sometime. For now, I'm going to try to post here once a week, just to see if maybe we can get back into the swing of things. Cool? Cool.
Labels: blogging
No more Seen and Heard? Are you leaving MJS? They will really miss your talents if that is the case!
9:52 PM CST
I'm currently "pursuing other opportunities" - though you never know, I might not ever break free. At the very least, I'm tired of Seen and Heard. Very, very tired.
3:42 PM CST
Well, if S&H ends, I hope you continue this blog, or another one, whatever your focus - because you do this well. Despite its strictures (or so I assume, it being a paid gig for a daily paper and all), S&H is one of the more enjoyable reads in that paper.
11:16 PM CST
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