Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Monday, May 23, 2005

Follow up

Amazingly, not a single person has commented on my Star Wars essay/review/homage. I guess it freaked a lot of people out that I'd get that into thinking about the underlying themes of a sci-fi franchise. Others just made fun of me.

But I wasn't alone in my grandiose thoughts and cheesenormous love for ROTS, it seems Big Daddy Times agreed with MandyJ on this one.

Most of the verbal abuse of ROTS comes from people whose views on movies I in no way respect. Anyone who says any movie has "too much story" is automatically an ignorant caveman in my book.

I gotta say, upon a second (and soon to be third) viewing, I think ROTS is better than both "A New Hope" and "Return of the Jedi". So there. Let the flaming begin.

PS: I also have to admit that at my second viewing, I was taken aback at just how outrageously attractive Hayden Christensen has become. I realize he's not really "growing up" (as we are about the same age), but for some reason this time around, the girly girl in me got a little drooly towards the end of the movie (much to my embarassment). Mmmm. I never knew evil could be so delicious.


Blogger nikki said...

hayden is cute and yet i find his acting absolutely awful.

9:17 AM CDT

Blogger MandyJ said...

Seen him in anything besides Stat Wars movies? He's excellent in "Shattered Glass" and "Life as a House."

1:36 PM CDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I was thinking about this... no WAY would Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman -- two humans nearing physical perfection -- would ever produce offspring as awkward as Mark Hamill. Maybe Carie Fisher, but even she's a stretch.


11:15 AM CDT

Blogger MandyJ said...

You know, I thought that too. I blame the lack of proper upbrining.

But then again, I've seen pretty people have seriously gawky kids (and vice versa). I think every adult secretly hopes their kids aren't ugly so they can love them easier.

12:22 PM CDT


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