Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Great Moments in Punditry

If you don't know by now, "The Daily Show" is somehow both the most informative and most laugh-out-loud funny show on television.

The best part of the show is the regular elements (as opposed to the interviews and news). Segments like "This Week in God" and "Back in Black" are always good for a laugh. As was the election special segments of "Guess the Candidate's IM Screen name."

But one of my favorite segments is the all-too-rare "Great Moments in Punditry (as read by children)." Yes, they take transcripts from pundit programs and news discussions and give them to ill-prepared elementary school students. It's comic gold.

Last night's segment, for inctance, was genius and made me nearly lose consciousness from laughter. It was from the August 7, 2004 CNBC exchange between Bill O'Reilly, Paul Krugman and Tim Russert.

In it, O'Reilly calls Krugman a quasi-socialist and Krugman calls O'Reilly a quasi-murderer. Hearing little kids sound it out (and compltely mispronounce "economic") is just too much.


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