Do you know the lyrics?
If you're between the ages of 19 and 26, chances are you know every word to the theme song of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air."
While this is in no way a scientific fact, I have tested this theory at a few "non-alcoholic social gatherings." One moment, the party people are sitting and tlaking, but the moment that songs on, it's all over. The whole house is on their feet screaming along from the very moment of the opening bass beats.
Sure, it wasn't "Cheers," but "Fresh Prince" was a show among shows for tweens in the 90s. Besides the very cool theme song, the show, though ridiculously fictional, was a positive one for kids like me. White, middle class kids who knew absolutely nothing about black people save the evening news got shows like "Fresh Prince," "The Cosby Show" and "A Different World" to show us African-American teens who us.
Of course, the families on both "Fresh Prince" (and "Cosby") had a lot more money than mine, but I never noticed. I just remember the characters. The goofy post-ghetto Will, stuck-up idiot Hilary, butler Geoffrey (they had a butler!) and, of course...Carlton Banks. Carlton was quite possibly the best character from that era of television (not Steve Urkel, dammit...what a tool) for being a foppish, horrible-dancing rich bitch of a dude who anyone loved imitating.
This show is a snapshot of my childhood and that of a select group of twentysomethings...and thankfully Nick at Nite, trusty, wonderful Nick at Nite...knows that.
(Check out the rest of Fresh Week from 1-5 am's worth it)
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