Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

America's contribution to pop culture

From Roger Ebert's review of The Lion, The Wihe Witch and the Wardrobe :

But it's remarkable, isn't it, that the Brits have produced Narnia, the Ring, Hogwarts, Gormenghast, James Bond, Alice and Pooh, and what have we produced for them in return? I was going to say "the cuckoo clock," but for that you would require a three-way Google of Italy, Switzerland and Harry Lime.

Yes, that IS remarkable. What have we done in return? Discuss, I'm gonna think on it, but as of right now I know we at least have all the good comic book characters, if not true literary heroes.


Blogger Ed said...

There's the superheroes, sure--they (along with, perhaps, STAR TREK and STAR WARS) are branded, identifiable properties--they're franchises.

Of course, if he's going to suggest the cuckoo clock, then we can also add things like jazz, rock and roll, and hip hop.

10:01 PM CST


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