Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Friday, July 22, 2005

GTA might actually be bad for kids!

Am I the only one amused by this entire scenario?

Yes, because parents apparently cannot be trusted to raise their own children, Grand Theft Auto must be sold to adults only...for real this time. Seriously.

It’s amazing that all of a sudden, parents have a problem with Grand Theft Auto. I mean, the name alone should sound off alarm bells. But no. Parents apparently don’t care about violence in video games. They’ll happily buy their 8-year-old a game where he can shoot up aliens/monsters/bad guys (or in the case of GTA - cops) if it means it’ll keep him quiet for an afternoon...but by God, if it has sex in it, action must be taken!

It’s no secret that all of the GTA games have been rated MA and feature (right on the box, even!) all manner of deliciously fun crime. Only in GTA can you shoot a cop, steal a car, buy a hooker and then beat her to death - and get rewarded for it. Yet somehow, this has escaped the notice of American parents who have thoughtlessly bought their kids these games for the past few years.

But now, someone told them there’s sex in it. NOW they notice.

Not that this is any big surprise. In an age where people seriously believe abstinence-only education actually keeps kids from having sex, it’s only natural that parents flip out over a boob or two in a game full of gangland crime.

Not that this blinder vision is anything new - it’s been common in the MPAA rating system for years. Movies with any amount of nudity or sex are rated R (or worse), but guns, killings, kidnappings and such are usually given more leeway. My own family would happily watch a violent film together (even when my brother and I were very young), but it a movie even hints at sex, my mom will turn it off.

The lesson? Killing a hooker is all right, just as long as you didn’t have sex with her first.


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