Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Friday, March 04, 2005

Chris Rock and the Oscars

A lot of people of late have told me they hated Chris Rock as the host of the Oscars. I think the problem is that too much of mainstream America just didn't get him. They didn't get his meanness, which is the entire Richard Pryor'esque schtick of his humor. People in Hollywood aren't used to being made of of to their faces and I don't think they liked it. Their fans in the People magazine reading set didn't like it either.

Personally, as restrained as he was, Chris Rock was a refreshing change. As much as I like Billy Crystal, we don't need mainstream actors kissing eachother's asses every year on that stage. It was a good experiment.

Too bad America wasn't ready for it.


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