Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Friday, February 25, 2005

Are Nielsen ratings for real?

You ever get the impression that the Nielsen ratings are just a total load?

Every week, I look at the ratings and I read from starry-eyed TV writers about what's "popular" - and it doesn't seem to fit with real life. And why should it? Nielsen ratings are generated by families that have these rating systems in their homes. But I don't know a single individual that is a part of this system. Nor do I think they'd pick a person like me, someone who watches very little network TV, to be a part of this. My guess is they pick a lot of households that watch a boatload of television.

How else could you explain the supposed popularity of "American Idol"? (Although I don't know anyone who watches it that isn't under age 15 or over age 60) Or the fact that "Jack and Bobby" supposedly has no viewers (even though I know a lot of people that watch it)?

I know, it's sort of silly to speak from my own perspective on this....but how could the Nielsens really matter when, in comparison to the people who allegedly watch the drivel that CBS puts out on its old people nights, insanely popular shows like "The Daily Show" are mere drops in the bucket? I can't tell you one person that saw last week's "Crossing Jordan," but I can name fifty people who can quote entire episodes of "Family Guy."

I'm just sayin' there's something amiss.

I'm just sayin.'


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