Vanity Plate of Doom
Today, in the parking garage of my company, I saw a license plate on a brand-new Nissan Altima that said: MTCHBX20.
I don't know who this person is, but I feel disturbed that they work in the same building as me. I want to find this individual and help them. Or slap them. At the very least, I should offer to pay for their sterilization.
I can understand getting a personalized plate of something you are passionate about. From sci-fi films to comics to music, people love to express their love on license plates. And that makes sense. But when it comes to music, some things just don't make sense. If a band has a cult following of sorts, like Radiohead, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, the Doors, etc... then sure. Hell, I'd get one of LEDZEP if I thought I wouldn't get pulled over every night after work under suspicion of DWDH (Driving While Damn High).
Hell, I'll even go on a limb and say that it's acceptable (though saddening) for a teen to have a vanity plate of some throwaway pop group.
But a professional who works at a newspaper has absolutely nothing to fall back on. I question their taste, if not their sanity, to pay a yearly fee for a license plate of a band so middle-of-the-road completely unspecial pop as Matchbox 20.
I'll find you. I will.
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