Thoughts, notes, observations on the everyday nonsense of American Pop Culture from one of the most not-hip people on the face of the planet...

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Please, make the hurting stop

McDonalds, give it up. Fire your ad managers. For the love, of God, please.

The "I'm Lovin' It" ad campaign has not only run its course, I think it may have permenently ingrained itself as one of the most memorably god-awful ads ever. I know, I know, you're going for that "hip, street, urban appeal" and lemme tell you, you missed the mark. A lot. No amount of teen girls giggling about Chicken Selects or college party scenes or unseen black guys saying "Bro" and "dawg" in the radio spots will change the fact that you have no idea who you're advertising for.

I'll give you a hint though: It isn't me...and I'm supposedly in your target group. Every time I start to hear the "Ba ba bah bah bah..." I grate my teeth. I prepare myself for your asinine commercials.

The Chicken Selects commercials, you know the ones (about people stealing chicken) are voted "most likely to make me intentionally crash my car." I chew out my radio when I hear the idiot girl talk about needing a pnkie massage. Then I make a pact to not go to McDonalds.

Besides, everyone knows (except you), the people have cut back on McDonalds because of Jared and his lowfat awesomeness. But don't worry, poor people, kids and stoners will still keep you (and Taco Bell) in business.


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